Effect of Plant derived Smoke on Germination, Seedling growth and Isoflavone Content of Soybean (2025)

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Plant-Derived Smoke Affects Biochemical Mechanism on Plant Growth and Seed Germination

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The role of plant-derived smoke, which is changed in mineral-nutrient status, in enhancing germination and post-germination was effectively established. The majority of plant species positively respond to plant-derived smoke in the enhancement of seed germination and plant growth. The stimulatory effect of plant-derived smoke on normally growing and stressed plants may help to reduce economic and human resources, which validates its candidature as a biostimulant. Plant-derived smoke potentially facilitates the early harvest and increases crop productivity. Karrikins and cyanohydrin are the active compound in plant-derived smoke. In this review, data from the latest research explaining the effect of plant-derived smoke on morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses of plants are presented. The pathway for reception and interaction of compounds of plant-derived smoke at the cellular and molecular level of plant is described and discussed.

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Effect of Plant Derived Smoke on Germination and Post Germination Expression of Wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.)

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Smoke induced seed germination and somatic embryogenesis

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Smoke from the combustion of plant material stimulates both seed germination and somatic embryogenesis inawide range ofspecies, providing apotentialnewclass olphyto-active compounds fot in vitro culture-Smoke saturated water (SSW) promoted aslmbiotic seed germination and an early differentiation of protocorrns and plant regeneration o f Yanda paniflorafina. mgn p"r"*,ug" germination (95.032.6) followed by high percentage plantlets recoverlr(93.0+3.4) was acnierea ty culturing seeds on Mira et al. basalmedium supplemented with l0% v/v SSW il vanda parviflora Lindl. The recent identification of the germination cue, butenolide from smoke will now allow for research into the physiological action of smoke on seed germination. Smoke extracts are also able to stimulate other growth processes such as somatic embryogenesis using vegetative shoot apices of mature trees of P wallichiana (Himalapn blue or Bhutan pine) and gerani"q flowering, and rooting. As all these physiological effects are in part contnolled by plant growth regulator, indicaltions are that the smoke extracts interact in same way with endogenous pGRs.

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Effect of Plant Derived Smoke on Germination and Post Germination Expression of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L

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Smoke produced from burning of plant material elicits a striking increase in seed germination in various plant species. In present work, effect of plant derived smoke exposure on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds germination and post germination response has been studied in laboratory. Plant derived smoke was generated by burning of plant material (leaf, straws etc.) in a special designed furnace. Non-imbibed and imbibed seeds of wheat were exposed to plant derived smoke for 1 hr time duration. Best results were observed in non-imbibed seeds treated with plant derived smoke while imbibed seeds showed poor response to germination percentage, germination index, seedling vigor index and root shoot length. It has been proved from present study that plant derived smoke has stimulatory effect on germination & post germination response of non-imbibed seeds while it may cause inhibitory effect in imbibed seeds of wheat.

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Effects of Foliar Applications of Smoke-Water and a Smoke-isolated Butenolide on Seedling Growth of Okra and Tomato

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HortScience, 2007

The ecologic significance of smoke-related seed germination is now well recognized. Consequently, smoke solutions and a pure butenolide, the active compound from smoke that stimulates germination of a number of plant species, show great potential for enhancing the growth of vegetable crops. Achieving maximum production and better and faster growth of the seedlings has always been a priority for vegetable growers. This study therefore highlights the effects of foliar application of smoke-water and a butenolide on seedling growth of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Treating okra seedlings with smoke-water (1:500 v/v) showed a significant (P &lt; 0.05) increase in shoot/root length, shoot fresh/dry weight, number of leaves, total leaf area, and stem thickness compared with the control treatment. Treatment of okra seedlings with smoke-water significantly (P &lt; 0.05) increased the absolute growth rate (AGR) per week. However, the see...

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Effect of Plant derived Smoke on Germination, Seedling growth and Isoflavone Content of Soybean (2025)
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